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How does society affect us?

Sometimes, our society can get in the way of how we look at ourselves. We tend to love one part of our body and hate another part of our body. Something that I have realized about our society is that woman have to look a certain way. We have to be skinny or have fuller lips or a bigger butt. We pick out our flaws and make them seem like they are so terrible when really we should be flaunting our flaws. Flaws are what make us humans. We all have flaws, even the models on the magazines. It's okay to have pimples, it's okay to have a muffin top, it's okay to be flat in places, it's okay to be curvy. Society only seems to care about the sizes, or the make up. We are woman. We are strong. We are beautiful. Society cannot control us, we will not let it.

"She needs make up to cover up because, society taught that she is not good enough

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