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Dress Code

Sadly at my school we have a strict dress code, mostly for the girls though. One day I was wearing a oversized shirt at school and a teacher told me to change, I asked her why and she said its too distracting to the boys. So now I have to dress a certain way to keep a boys eyes off me? Thats what schools are teaching young woman now. When you look at that type of situation parts of it are true. Young boys and men don't know how to control their eyes really anywhere. I find that so gross. us women should never have to leave our homes worrying about the way a man will look at us. Sadly we are taught that we are objects to this disgusting world. We are the ones who can change that. The way we dress is a part of our personalities and being told we can't wear a oversized shirt and ripped jeans or a cropped top and jeans because it is gross and distracting, is sad. I want to grow up in a world where we can express ourselves in anyway and not be told that it is wrong to do that. Who wants to help me achieve this goal? Because I need your help.

“Wearing leggings is just showing that you have no self respect"- A teacher at my school

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